Si experimentas problemas a la hora de descargar o instalar el juego a través de la aplicación. Si tienes una clave clásica de Reign of Chaos, debes canjearla en tu cuenta de antes de iniciar sesión en la aplicación.

You can create it with the Warcraft 3 Registry creator. Make sure you have a working Warcraft 3 Registry. Contents Warcraft III CD-Key Changer & Grabber for 1.30. Warcraft 3 CD Key Changer Download: Download Downloads: 139,000 Download-Size: 2.8 MB Requirements for the CD Key Changer It is a tool to retrieve your registered CD-Keys and/or change them without reinstalling Warcraft III. With the Wc3 CD Key changer you can easily change the CD Key which will save your time! If you got different Warcraft 3 CD keys and want to change it because of a ban or for giving the right one to a friend this is perfect for you! Info: If you have the new Warcraft 3 Blizzard client you dont need this CD Key Changer, just reinstall the game in seconds. Warcraft 3 and The Frozen Throne CD key changer:

Update: If you search a CD Key Changer for Warcraft 3 Patch 1.30 click here.